MAKE Projects

MAKE Procedure was first promulgated in Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP-2006). The procedure was simplified/ streamlined in 2016, 2018 and 2020 with a perspective of fostering indigenous capabilities through design and development of required defence equipments/ products/ systems or upgrades/ sub-systems/ components/ parts by both public and private sector industry/ organization in a faster time frame.

What's New New_gif

MAKE-I (Government Funded)

Funding upto 70% of prototype development cost
or maximum Rs. 250 crores per Development Agency,
Indigenous Content (IC): Min 50%.

MAKE-II (Industry Funded)

Primarily for import substitution,
No Government funding, IC : Min 50%

MAKE-III (Manufactured in India through ToT from FOEMs)

No design & development but manufacturing in
the country with Min IC of 60%.